
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Chuckwagon Chili Photo

I'm still learning to use the Blogger software. So, you'll have to bear with me as I figure out how to import photos directly into the body of the article.

This photo doesn't exactly match the recipe that I posted this morning. At the cookoff two weeks ago (more to come in the next week or so), I had a hard time scraping the pulp from the reconstituted ancho chilies. In the end, I made an ancho broth and added it to the chili. It didn't give the chili the body or extra flavor you'd expect from the pulp.

So to boost a rather weak tasting chili, I minced 4 or 5 jalapino chilies and chopped a bunch of cilantro. The addition of the pepper and herb helped make a great bowl of red.

Enjoy ...

Chuckwagon chili at the Winter Camp Cookoff in Colusa, California, January 22, 2005

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