
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Cast Iron Cooks of the West DOG at Safe Haven Hourse Rescue

I received this report last night on the DOG at the Safe Haven Hourse Rescue in Cottonwood, California from DaveHerzog.


There were only 2 of us who cooked and we both ended up cooking chili. I used the recipe that won first place at the Sports and Rec Show and Bill Baugh made a recipe he uses for the Lions Club. We also served corn bread. I managed to fit 60 biscuits in a 10" deep D.O. and [we served] peach cobbler. The two of us fed over 35 people and the group wants us back badly. I hope there will be a bigger turn out next time.


1 comment:

  1. Hi All,
    David and Bill did a great job at Safe Haven Horse Rescue. We had our volunteer work day. Everyone loved the food they made. There were no leftovers.
    Can not wait until the next time.
    Thank You So Very, Very Much.
    Great Meal.
