
Monday, April 11, 2005

More Colusa Western Days Cookoff Photographs

Don Mason sent additional information on the Coluda Western Days Dutch Oven Cookoff photographs Saturday evening. I've updated the photographs on Saturday's post.

Here are three additional pictures.

A lemon cake. This is an example a simple garnish. Some greenery with flowers and a dusting of powdered sugar is all that's needed. Most Dutch oven cookoff judges will take points for over garnished dishes.

A restored chuckwagon from Charter Farms. The chuckwagon was located next to the pavillion that housed the cookoff.

Any event needs something to draw crowds to the venue. The cookoff used the sign and an authentic chuckwagon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chef Steve: Thanks for printing the photos of Colusa Western Days Dutch Oven Cook-off.
    We all had a great time cooking and talked to lots of people interested in Dutch Oven Cooking.
    Keep up the good information on your Blogger site,, Don Mason
