
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dutch Wagon Website

I learned yesterday from Lynn Benson's daughter that the Dutch Wagon now has a website at

Like the chuckwagon of cattle drive days, the Dutch Wagon includes a roomy chuckbox at the rear of the trailer.
The website currently features a series of pictures of the Dutch Wagon. Heidi said that they plan to expand soon with prices, available options and contact information. They plan to market the modern-day chuckwagon by visiting Dutch oven gatherings and talking to outfitters.

In the interim, they've posted 11 points of chuckwagon etiquette on the website. I like these two:
  • "It's okay to eat with your fingers. The food is clean."
  • "If you're refilling the coffee cup and someone yells 'Man at the pot.' You're obliged to serve refills."
"We love to camp and hunt; it will be interesting to see the reactions of people when we are in the mtns," said Heidi.

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