
Thursday, May 26, 2005

San Jose Dutch Oven Gathering

This information is from the International Dutch Oven Society web forum yesterday:

On Saturday, June 11, 2005, a new chapter of IDOS will be forming in California Bay Area. It will be known as the Bay Area Dutch Oven Gypsies (BADOGs).

It's first DOG will be a Dinner DOG at Houge Park (White Oaks Avenue & Twilight Drive) in San Jose, California. Bring your Dutch Oven. Richard Smith will be there all day because it is a city park to hold tables.

Come over, bring an interested friend, hang out, do some cooking, make new friends, learn new ideas and eat. You don't have to have a Dutch Oven to come. But you my have to go out and get one or two after.

E-mail Richard at so that hewill know how many tables to hold.

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