
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Camp 2005 -- Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

I give the campers a Wednesday morning treat on each year. I awake at 4 a.m. and prepare a large batch of cinnamon buns. I say large batch because three years has taught me to bake 20 to 30 extra rolls because they're so popular.

Last year as I sipped my umpteenth cup of joe, I overheard several kids say, "So, this is what 4 a.m. cinnamon rolls look like!" Puzzled, I kept working and turned my attention to lunch.

I knew that I didn't broadcast the fact that chef had an oh-dark-thirty reveille that morning. Few in camp knew how I made the rolls.

Then around 9 a.m., I grabbed a plate and two rolls and walked own to the outdoor dining area for my own breakfast. That's when I noticed the menu in the dining room window. Each meal my dining room host posted a hand-written menu so the campers knew what to expect for the meal.

I'm not sure if we can call them "4 a.m. cinnamon rolls" this year. I'm considering using a retarded sweet dough so I can sleep a few extra hours. I'll blog tomorrow on the cinnamon rolls and post the large-quantity recipes.

More to come ...

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