
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Lessons From a Week-Long Children's Bible Camp, Part 4

This lesson relates to purchasing produce for camp. As I've said, about 75 to 85 percent of our food for Northern California Florida College Camp, held at Daybreak Camp, Felton, California each July, is delivered by Sysco Foodservice of San Francisco.

It's convenient to receive most of the food in one drop. But there are drawbacks. The best example is that most items can only be purchased is full cases. When it isn't possible to buy a full case from Sysco Foodservice, we turn to the local Safeway market in Felton. Costco is also down Hwy. 9 in Santa Cruz.

The Government Says the Rule is Five a Day

Five servings of fruits and vegetables is a noble goal. But most campers have never received the message, despite a lifetime of nutrition education in the schools.

In 2002, I purchased three cases of apples, two cases of oranges and one case of grapefruit. At best, the campers ate 15 apples, eight oranges and two grapefruit each morning. Creative menu planning saved our collective butts by serving fresh apple pie and fresh squeezed O.J.

In 2003 and 2004, I purchased one case each of apples and oranges, forgot the grapefruit and threw in bananas for good measure. That has worked well for a camp with 150 campers and adults.

Index of lessons from a weeklong children's Bible camp

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