
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Camp 2005 -- Corn Dogs and Salad Bar Cart

Here are a few additional comments on Tuesday's meals:

Corn dogs and French fries panned and waiting for the meal. I've got to re-think the corn dog meal. It's been on the menu two years now. It's never been well received. This year we panned 288 corn dogs (4 (18-pound) cases from Sysco). The idea was to give each camper two corn dogs. In the end I served about 180. But now I'm faced with about 100 leftover corn dogs. Next year I'll either trim my order considerable or serve something else. Only 30 of the 150 campers took two.

We keep all salad bar items on a cart in the walk-in refrigerator. The cart makes set-up and take-down much easier on our backs and feet. Ground beef for tomorrow's lasagna is thawing on the bottom shelf.


  1. I am surprised that the kids dont eat all the corn dogs...what do you do with leftovers? Take off the breading and chop them up for beans? I have really been enjoying the infromation on your camp cooking... thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for the idea.

    We stripped the corn dof of the breading and will use some of them in the baked beans for Friday's All American cookout.
