
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Proper Food Cooling Technique

William Luke, a chuckwagon caterer and certified executive chef from Clovis, California, pointed out an error at 'Round the Chuckbox. I had the times for the two-stage cooling process reversed here (scroll down to the picture of sausage gravy cooling). Here's William's email:


While reviewing you site regarding camp and sanitation I noticed an error.

The two stage cooling process is:
135-deg F to 70-deg F in TWO hours
70-deg F to 41-deg F in FOUR hours
a total of 6 hours.

Also, the Danger Zone has just recently been changed to 135-deg F to 41-deg F.

Shannon Griffin (left) and William Luke prepare a barbecue last summer in Gridley, California.

I enjoyed your site about cooking at a girls camp. Have done a bit of that in a past life (Boy Scouts).

I also teach classes at NAS Lemoore through the Adopt-A-Ship Programl.

I am a former member of IDOS (when it was first forming many years ago) and still sling the pots around the fire with my Chuckwagon. (My weekend job-PLAY TIME)

Happy Cookin'.
William P. Luke, CEC
Chef Instructor
ROP Culinary Arts Program
Elkhorn Correctional Facility

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