
Friday, August 19, 2005

Search of the Week

As I said a few weeks ago, I'm always interested in what web searches bring viewers to 'Round the Chuckbox. I track on referring websites Typical searches that land camp cooks on 'Round the Chuckbox have recently included: baby back ribs, chuckbox, mountain man breakfast and quick cinnamon buns.

Today someone up in Portland (I presume) stopped by for a few seconds while looking for Fire on the Mountain that serves jerked chicken. Here's the search in case you're interested:

fire on the mountain restaruant portland oregon jerk chicken

You might say this was the perfect search as 'Round the Chuckbox was the only link listed! Interestingly, my misspelling of restaurant probably help create the anomaly that brought the viewer to 'Round the Chuckbox.

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