
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Relief

Hurricane Katrina devastated the Mississippi Delta and Gulf Shoreline of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama late Sunday and Monday. Thousands have been left without homes and any visible means of support for the foreseeable future. Our hearts and support goes out to the victims of what is being called the most devastating natural disaster in recent decades.

Please support the rescue and recovery effort by giving liberally to one of the relief organizations involved. At this point it’s impractical to donate food and clothing because such donations can overwhelm the nation’s logistical system.

The American Red Cross is the best place to start. Talk Radio bloggers N.Z. Bear and Instapundit have made their recommendations. Please give to one of these organizations.

Cash donations are the best way to help. Cash allows relief organizations on the ground in the devastated regions the chance to best determine where recourses are needed.

Click on LA Katrina News & Resources for the latest news bullets on Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

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