
Friday, January 06, 2006

Winter Camp Cookoff in Colusa, California

I received this email from Don Mason the other day:

Sacramento River Cast Iron Cookers are having their Winter Camp Dutch Oven Cookoff on Saturday, January 21, 2006 at the Colusa County Fairgrounds in Colusa, California. Cooking starts soon after the cooks meeting at 8:30 a.m.

Once again this year we are inviting the youth to come out and cook. Ages 9 through 17 can cook, no entry fee will be charged. Every youth that cooks will receive a participation gift. If they should win their class (first through third place) they will receive a plaque.

All judging will be Peoples Choice for both youth and adults. The public may purchase a $5 ticket and sample the food cooked that day and then vote on the best cook and pot of food. Youth judging will start at 12:00 noon and end at 12:30 p.m. Adult judging starts at 12:30 and ends at 1:30 p.m.

Winners will be announced at 2 p.m. Adult class winners for first place will receive $100 and a plaque. Second and third places will receive plaques. Youth winners only receive a plaque.

SRCIC will provide prep tables and one plastic table cloth, trash cans, cold running water and hot ash cans. Everything else is on you. Hope you can come. Dress warm and enjoy the day with us.

I would like to wish all of you a happy holiday and a happy healthy new year. Hope to see you in 2006.

Thank you, Vickie Stegall.

Crowds at the 2005 Winter Camp Dutch Oven Cookoff.

Applications for the Winter Camp Dutch Oven Cookoff are due to Vickie by January 15, 2006. The fee is $30 per team. Categories are main dish, bread and dessert. Each team may cook in one, two or three pots.

To participate, contact Vickie at: (530) 458-8009.

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