
Monday, September 04, 2006

Diamond Springs Labor Day Street Fair

Labor Day is the big event in Diamond Springs, California. The Highway Patrol closes Main Street and redirects Highway 49 to the north. Street vendors occupy every curb, parking lot and vacant field to sell their wares.

The Fleet Reserve Association led the parade at 1 p.m.

I didn't see a large variety of food vendors at the fair. There were only about eight vendors selling food and drink present. And only one local restaurant was open. The Firehouse Cafe sold meals out of the front door.

Two hot dog carts kept a steady supply of frankfurters on the street.

Cool refreshments are always popular in the September heat. Although the mercury didn't reach into the 100s, the shaved ice chef did a brisk business after the parade passed by. This guy had a hand washing set up as well.

The snow cone vendor was no exception.

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