
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

600 Biscuits in a 22-inch MACA Dutch Oven

Here's how Dave Herzog prepared and baked 600 biscuits in a 22-inch MACA Dutch oven:

I separate each biscuit from the can. I also dip one side of each biscuit into flavored butter then place into the Dutch. I lay the ontop of each other like shingles on a roof of a house, one ring at atime. When I get to the beginning of the ring, I lift the first biscuit up and place the last under the first. I continue making rings of biscuits until I reach the tube in the center. Then, I start from the outside of the Dutch with a new layer and new ring. I can fit 900 in my 22-inch Maca this way but, because we had to move out cooking area to the other side of the building I was only able to get 600 in the oven and still make the serving time and get all our equipment moved. That included burning charcoal, 6 cooking tables, 2 portable campfires, 2 prep tables, about 60 Dutch ovens, 3 chuck boxes, and 4 largeice chests. That was only between 2 cooks. We had 2 more cooks show upjust after the biscuits were served.

I almost forgot! I cook them low and slow, it takes about 3 hours for 600 to bake and 4 hours for 900. Yes, they still come out very light and fluffy!

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1 comment:

  1. That is impressive! I've only cooked chicken in mine, haven't ventured into any dessert or breads in the Maca 22. Would love to learn more about heat, number of briquettes used and how often you are replacing them.
