
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Lake Tahoe Photography Class

found an answer to my quest to photograph the sunrise. It comes in the form of class tomorrow evening called Pho-TAHOE-ography and is led by local photographer Tim Rains.

The class meets at the Forest Service Visitor Center at Taylor Creek at 8 p.m. Thursday, August 9, 2007. The Visitor Center is located 3 miles north of the "Y" in South Lake Tahoe. Take Hwy. 89 past the Tallac Historic Site.

The Tahoe Daily Tribune said:

Thursday's program, The Sunrise Edition, will highlight Rain's interest in shooting early morning sunrises. He will also talk about his expertise in the Sunrise Myth and the science and practical application of capturing those great sunrise photos. The evening program will be followed by a field trip the following morning to capture the early morning light as it hits Mt. Tallac and is reflected in the still waters of Fallen Leaf Lake.
Looks like this is what the doctor ordered. Now I have to rise at oh-dark-thirty Friday morning!

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