
Friday, October 26, 2007

Karoly Cookie Tradition

The tradition of baking chocolate chip cookie really started back in 1970 (or earlier). Anne and Elizabeth baked, packaged and mailed several large batches of cookies to me and my shipmates during boot camp. And I'm certain they did the same for Michael when he left home for college.

They've continued the tradition over the years, often bringing cookies to mom and dad's house. Somewhere along the way, dad started baking the cookies.

Elizabeth and Anne have each contributed to dad's skill as a cookie baker. Elizabeth added:

A few Christmases ago I gave him the frozen scooped dough and he was very impressed with the uniformity of the cookies. So the following Birthday or Christmas we gave him a cookie scoop. He told me that he would bake them for a certain amount of time AND leave them on the cookie sheet for a certain amount of time.
An old gallon-sized pickle jar served as the cookie repository. "May I please have a cookie" secured entrance into the cookie jar for everyone (although I broke the rule on occasion!).

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