
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Window to the past

Window to the past
Originally uploaded by SeabeeCook
The town of Alviso (Google map) is a study in contrast. A modern residential neighborhood within the city limits of San Jose, California, the old seaport on the Guadeloupe River has a rich history.

Although overworked on from the photographer's eye, there's plenty of opportunity for the photographer who's looking for a fresh perspective of decaying buildings.

Lettering on the front window to Laine's grocery store in Alviso, California, tells me it was an antique shop at one point in its history. I suppose you could say the wares inside the store were years younger than the building itself. The grocery dates back to the Gold Rush era.

The wood-framed building is slowly rotting away and may soon collapse. When that happens, a piece of Alviso's history will fade into the ground.

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