
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Latest newsletter from Cee Dub

Howdy from Cee Dub & Pen

A couple of weeks ago Pen and I arrived home after nine weeks on the road appearing at Sportsmen's Shows in the Northwest. It takes a tremendous amount of work to do about 60 one hour demos over the course of the tour, then there is the 6,500+ miles of driving, strange motel beds, and just being away from home for that long.

But, we're already looking forward to our Winter Tour 2009. After years of doing these shows some folks might think it all becomes a matter of routine, but it doesn't. Every time we pull into a different town to do a show, it's a home coming for us. Besides the folks we work with, we know in every audience there will be some familiar faces from previous years as well as new friends we'll be meeting for the first time.

Thanks to all our friends and customers who we reconnected with these past three months in the Pacific Northwest. Pen and I had a blast and we're looking forward to seeing you again next winter.

Dutch oven cookin' clinics

  • APRIL 19-20, ROUND TOP, TEXAS -- four spots remain
  • APRIL 26-27, HUNT, TEXAS -- three spots remain
  • MAY 5-9, LAS PIEDRAS RANCH CLINIC -- only advanced clinic for 2008 with two spots left
Are you thinking about signing up for a Dutch oven cooking clinic with Cee Dub? Read on for a little insight into the evolution of my teaching style.

2008 is our eleventh year of teaching Dutch oven cooking. Here I must make a small confession. When we first started teaching, I admit I took an easy approach. That is, at each clinic I would do the same things over and over. That worked as long as I had a new group for each clinic. But, there came the day when I booked an appearance in a small West Texas town and over half the group were repeat participants from the year before. I couldn't get away with doing the same recipes from the previous year.

It dawned on me that as a teacher I had to stretch my own boundaries in order to stretch the boundaries and abilities of those who signed up for our clinics. And ... I never teach a clinic that I don't end up learning something from the participants. Every clinic is a win - win situation!Anyway ... register soon to guarantee your spot at a Cee Dub's Dutch oven cooking clinic.

Click here to sign up for your Dutch Oven Cookin' Clinic with Cee Dub

Watch for another newsletter in the next couple of weeks featuring an excerpt and a couple of recipes from Cee Dub's new cookbook.Remember an autographed Cee Dub's cookbook(s) makes a great gift for graduations, Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, and spring weddings.

Keep Your Coals Hot & The Drinks Cold!

Cee Dub & Pen

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