
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chili verde addendum

I cooked my chili verde and Mexican rice pilaf last night for a potluck at work. Today was retirement for my manager, whom I've worked for over the past two and one-half years.

While packaging the chili for transport to Sacramento, I discovered an error in my original serving calculation, where I said the chili recipe fed 20. It will, but only if you serve smaller portions.

For many recipes, volume is the best indicator of yield in the number of services. The recipe yield is about 3 quarts, or 12 to 16 servings. You'll get 12 servings if you dish with an 8-ounce ladle and 16 with a 6-ounce ladle.

"Man, that chili rocks," said one of the managers. Leftovers are chilling in the break room refrigerator. We're having a green chili fest tomorrow.

Sorry about the fuzzy picture ...

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