
Friday, July 04, 2008

Camp 2008 -- Remember why you're at Bible camp

The cooks completed their last Bible study this afternoon. As I've said in the past, don't neglect the whole reason for coming together at camp -- to study God's word and to grow as Christians.

Elisa asked me last Sunday if the camp was going to have an adult Bible class each afternoon. I said no. Study time for adults was cut last year when classes for campers were reorganized.

She then asked if the cooks could study on our own. I quickly agreed because I know the importance of spiritual growth. I'm thankful she was looking out for our spiritual welfare.

Our study this year came from the "implanted word" (James 1:21) from James' letter to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad" (James 1:1). James 2:17 formed the main point of our study this year at camp: "Thus faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

James is a book of action. He stress throughout the letter the importance for Christians to take display a faith of action. He emphasises in the second chapter that the only viable faith is one that's working.

This year -- as in the past seven -- the cooks will go home with a broader understanding of God's word. They be ready to work in their communities, at home and in their churches as they put their faith in action.

Here's what I wrote in 2005 on the topic.

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