
Monday, July 28, 2008

Cookin' on the railroad

When you read the Pacific Coast Railroad blog, you can easily get lost in the world of the steam railroad.

I'm sure sand dome conversions and boiler inspections have dominated many conversations between chief mechanical officer Phil Reader and crew at the private rail operation on the Santa Margarita Ranch in San Louis Obispo County.

But the railroad -- through the kind labor of couple of lovely ladies -- recently helped a worthy organization raise $90 thousand for Jack's Helping Hand, a San Louis Obispo County-based organization that meets the "unique unmet needs of physically and mentally disabled children and young adults" in the community.

"For lunch Karell made her famous 'Hobo Beans' in a dutch oven that were very good. Later, we were treated to a delicious tri-tip BBQ dinner," said the blog's July 21, 2008 report. Patty LaRose assisted Karell.

Patti and Karell, along with Mary Harlow, operate the railroad's commissary operation, according to the blog.

In case steam domes and boiler inspections interest you more that tri-tip barbecues, roll on over to the Pacific Coast Railroad blog. It contains news of many hours of a labor of love for these steam railroaders.

And, I might add, news of the Iron Horse Chef's quiche made on the backhead of the boiler.

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