
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Engine 49 departs ...

DSP E49 departs ...
Originally uploaded by SeabeeCook

I was a "kid in a candy store" last night! I got to eat, enjoy friends and watch fire trucks all in the same evening.

You'll have to watch quickly as the fire engine is leaving the station in Blog No. 6 ...

Engine 49 answers a medical aid call toward the end of last night's annual Christmas social of the El Dorado Western Railway Foundation. For several years, the Diamond Springs-El Dorado Fire Protection District graciously allowed us to use one of their spacious rooms at Station 49 for the party.

This year's venue overlooked the equipment bay. The photo came out a filtered on the left side since I was shooting through a window.

It's interesting that the fire fighters monitor the El Dorado command radio net in the bathroom that's adjacient to the conference room. That helped me time the shot.

The only problem was that I didn't have my remote in my hand. It was in my camera bag on the other side of the room.

To avoid loosing the shot, I used the 10-second camera delay, which made timing the picture a bit tricky. It took two shots to get this one.

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