
Friday, December 19, 2008

Season's greetings from Cee Dub's

We last heard from Cee Dub in June. So, after a summer and fall filled with challenges, blog No. 21, brings you his latest message ...

Season's Greetings from from Cee Dub


It's been way too long since I sat down and sent a newsletter. Some of you may even think we dropped off the end of the earth. But ... I'm not telling any of you something new when I say 2008 has been a most different and sometimes difficult year!

The skyrocketing price of fuel caused Pen and me to severely curtail our 2008 travel schedule and like many other companies, we saw our sales drop along with the economy. When offered to us, we took the day job of managing Las Piedras Ranch. To make matters worse my mother suffered a bad fall this last summer which required surgery and included three months of therapy/rehab. She is now doing great though. On the bright side of 2008, we've been healthy, and our fifth grandchild, Maggie, was born in September.

As a result this new cookbook, which has been in progress much longer than we projected, is now at the printers with an early January delivery date. Of course we wanted this new cookbook in time for Christmas but it didn't work out.

So, as we look forward to our new cookbook and a New Year we want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends.

A New Book and 2009 Clinic Schedule

Most people think writing a fifth cookbook would be easier than writing one's first book. In one aspect that is correct, but there is an added burden of making a new book better. Since we first started the project, "writers block" reared its head on several occasions and although it took longer than we thought, we believe the results are worth the wait. Twelve years and a hundred thousand plus books later, we get as excited as first time expectant parents every time we send a new book to press.

Highlights of the new cookbook include more recipes than any of our earlier books, an updated section on sourdough, a section on how to make your own homemade sausage, and a special section on "Hill Billy Cookin'." Of course, there are some stories, too.

A theme we emphasized in the book relates directly to the title, "GATHER 'ROUND THE TABLE..."! As life becomes more hectic with every new technological invention, we hope folks will relate to our belief that time spent around a table sharing good food with friends and family trumps many of the concerns that make life not so simple anymore. And, that times spent together are what make special memories for years to come!

When you visit the website, make sure to check out the "Clinic Page". Currently we've scheduled a couple of two-day Dutch oven clinics, and we will again have our Five Day Ranch Clinic here at Las Piedras Ranch. It's not too late to get your favorite camp cook a spot in a Cee Dub's clinic for Christmas. Al will print up a certificate to put under the Christmas tree!

Making homemade sausage at some of our demonstrations the last couple of years generated a lot of interest. So, if enough folks are interested, we will schedule an additional clinic devoted to making sausage and homemade sauerkraut. Drop an e-mail to and we'll get it on the schedule as well.

Check Out Our New Book

As I write this newsletter the sun is just breaking over the ridge top and ground fog is starting to burn away. With just enough breeze to gently turn the windmill out in the yard, its my guess that today is going to be a great one. I'm hoping for all of us that 2009 starts and finishes just like today.

As 2008 draws to a close it's our hope that all who read this are healthy, happy, and looking forward to the New Year as are we!

Our Very Best to You and Yours this Holiday Season

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Cee Dub, Penny and Al

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