
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Off to my summer camp job

I leave this morning for my summer camp job at Deer Crossing Summer Camp. The camp is a hour and one-half drive from my home. I meet the boat at Loon Lake in Eldorado National Forest at 1 p.m.

I'll try to keep blogging at my normal pace, about 15 posts per month. The camp has Internet access via satellite, so I'll have to gauge how often I can get on-line each week.

The camp website says that staff average about one and one-half hours per week on the Internet. I plan to write blogs out longhand in my notebook before posting them to 'Round the Chuckbox. This will save precious time.

My contract carries me through August 15. Hopefully, one or two photographs of me will appear on the camp's photo page as the summer progresses.

The first campers arrive on Sunday, June 21, after a 10-day staff training session. The camp features four (two-week) sessions. My assistant cook and I will feed between 50 and 60 staff and campers each day.

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