
Monday, August 03, 2009

Flying cook for Jeep Jamporee

Friend and fellow outdoor chef Dave Herzog flew into Rubicon Springs in El Dorado County, California, Sunday to cook for the Jeep Jamporee for two weeks. Since the helo pad is very close to Deer Crossing Camp, I tried to get across Loon Lake on Sunday to see him and take a look at his gear, but missed him.

Last Thursday I inquired as to when we could get together. Dave replied with this message on Facebook:
I'm teaching classes at SW [Sportsman's Warehouse] in Rocklin, grocery shopping at Cosco, then packing and weighing everything for the helicopter lift into camp on Sunday morning. Sunday Morning we will be at the heli pad around 9 a.m. flying Cast Iron, food and gear into camp to set up. The pad is over by the Dam and that's where I'll be all morning, then flying overhead around noon to set up the kitchen and cook dinner.
We have a chance to get together Saturday when he has a few days off. I'll report back on his menu and see if I can get some pictures of the kitchen set up.

Since I took this photo around 1 p.m. Sunday, he could be on this helo!

Update: I spoke to Dave on Sunday, August 16. He was on the pictured helo, a long with the head cook.

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