
Friday, July 29, 2011

Satueed bok choy

I introduced baby bok choy to the residents at work last night. Flavored with ginger, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil and soy sauce, they ate almost the full 2-inch hotel pan.

For 25 servings, briefly saute fresh minced ginger in a mixture of canola & sesame oils. Add cabbage in batches and saute until wilted, but not browned. Five bunches of baby bok choy will feed 25 persons. Transfer cabbage to waiting 2-inch hotel pan.

Combine 1-1/2 cups chicken stock, 3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar and 1-1/2 tablespoons soy sauce. Pour over cabbage in hotel pan. Cover and place pan over medium heat. Gentle simmer for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. I like to cook the cabbage so the stems are tender but crunchy.

I plan to serve bok choy again. At $1.50 per bunch from the mid-town Sacramento Farmer's Market, the vegetable (also known as Chinese cabbage) will be featured on the menu through the summer.

Next time I may toss the baby bok choy in garlic, olive oil and kosher salt. After roasting in a 450-degree oven until wilted and crisp-tender, a drizzle of lemon-basil vinaigrette, it'll be ready to serve.

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