
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Broccoli with garlic and thyme

I started dinner this evening by reducing a quart of chicken stock. One cup remained nearly two hours later. Packed in that cup was all the rich goodness from the meat and bones of a chicken.

I resisted the temptation to gulp the broth concentrate down. It was that good.

Since Debbie and I had enjoyed bacon cheeseburgers and fries at Old Town Grill in Placerville this afternoon, I was looking for a quick meal for dinner when broccoli with garlic and thyme came to me.

I minced three fat cloves of garlic and quickly chopped about 2 teaspoons of fresh thyme. After melting a pat of butter, I sauteed the garlic for a minute. The aroma cut was amazing!

The broth reduction next went into the saucepan along with the thyme. I brought the broth to a boil, dumped a pound of frozen broccoli florets in and placed the lid on the saucepan.

The broccoli was soon ready. After spooning it into two waiting bowls, I squeezed a couple lemon wedges over the broccoli and topped it with grated Parmesan cheese.

Dinner over, I strained the remaining broth from the saucepan. It was too good to toss it down the drain. Infused with garlic and thyme, I'm certain it'll become part of dinner on Monday or Tuesday.

Or I could drink as an appetizer!

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