
Friday, August 05, 2011

Menu for railroad crew tomorrow

It's time to prepare a relaxing meal for the track crew at the El Dorado Western Railroad. I cooked chili and cornbread on a cold, rainy day last June.

I'm changing direction for the meal tomorrow and will cook the complete meal at the depot site in the historic town of El Dorado, California. In June I cooked the meal at home and transported it to the shop at noon.
  • Piping hot caboose coffee -- It doesn't matter if its 100 degrees or 70 on the right-of-way, railroaders will drink coffee all morning.
  • Braised beef with summer vegetables -- Much like a pot roast, I'll braise a large chuck roast at a gentle simmer in a large Dutch oven all morning, then add new red tomatoes, roasted red peppers, corn-on-the-cob, green beans and cherry tomatoes.
  • Tender herb biscuits -- What Dutch oven meal wouldn't be complete without a pot of baking powder biscuits?
  • Peach crisp -- Peaches are in season right now; so it makes sense to top the meal with a peachy dessert!
I'm going to make a video log of the meal tomorrow as I cook. Barring any technical glitches (or operator error), I should be able to post my video log of the meal in a couple days. Look for bonus shots of the railroad's 1940 Southern Pacific caboose (No. 1094) and Plymouth locomotive!


  1. why don't you put the recipes on your blog that you prepare? with some pictures. keep us all tuned in and looking forward to each one. how about it? jana

  2. There are recipes all over this blog, Jana. What are you looking for? I can direct you to the right recipe.

  3. Both red tomatoes and grape (or cherry) tomatoes. As you can see in the video, the tomatoes split open and release their flavor into the stew.
