
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cookbooks for camp

My summer library
I've accepted a summer job as the chef for a family camp. The camp is located about three and one-half hours north of my Diamond Springs, California, home, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Mt. Lassen. The job begins at the beginning of May.

Since driving home on my one day off each week will be impractical, I find myself carefully considering the cookbooks, tools and other resources to pack for the summer. I plan to pack up to 20 cookbooks in a plastic storage tub.

In addition to professional cooking resources (The Professional Chef, The Professional Baker, Charcuterie, Understanding Baking and The Flavor Bible), an eclectic mix of cookbooks should help liven the menu. I've browsed the cookbook stacks at The Bookery twice in the past week. With hundreds of cookbooks to choose from, I should be able to locate most cookbooks written in the last 10 to 20 years.

I will probably visit The Bookery one more time before we leave home. What cookbooks would you add to the library? This question is for my professional colleagues as well as home cooks. Any new purchase will fill in gaps in the library. Please note that I'm not considering Dutch oven books at this point as I have plenty.

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