
Friday, May 02, 2014

Herb garden at camp

Early last March I set up a herb garden in a metal tub. My thought was to grow some of the common fresh herbs that we use in the camp kitchen. While the garden may not supply sufficient herbs for our larger camps, it'll yield enough for some smaller groups. This year is mainly a test to see if the garden is feasible. If it works out, I'll work on plans for a larger garden next summer.

The Behrens #1 oval 7.5-gallon tub holds a variety of herbs for my summer camp kitchen. Rosemary, chives, tarragon and chamomile make up the backdrop with sage and thyme in front. The portable garden is located adjacent to my cabin. I plan to begin a second garden with basil and oregano (which weren't available locally in early March). I'll purchase parsley and cilantro from the produce purveyor because we use massive quantities.


  1. Thanks Tyrone. At 3500 feet, I won't be able to leave the plants in the garden all winter, plus there's no one to tend it. But I should be able to garden with containers and little effort, other than harvesting and cooking.
