
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Baked asparagus frittata with basil and Swiss cheese

Set-up for baked asparagus frittata with
basil and Swiss cheese.
Two weeks ago I prepared baked asparagus frittata with basil and Swiss cheese for the Feather River Adult Art Camp. The process is the same that I used during the 2013 season (click for recipe).

To begin, I cut one pound of asparagus for each 2-1/2-inch hotel pan. Next the asparagus with a splash of canola-olive blend oil went into each pan. Five pans were placed in a 325-degree convection oven for around 10 minutes.

Once the asparagus was a bright green color, I removed the pans and poured in three cartons of liquid egg, along with a handful of chopped fresh basil and parsley and grated Parmesan cheese. I returned the pans to the oven and baked until the eggs was almost set. Each pans was then topped with 15 slices of Swiss cheese and given another five minutes in the oven.

The frittata was a hit. One campers said, "I've never seen that up here." I find that one pan of frittata feeds 35 family campers at Oakland Feather River Camp. We also place a pan of plain scrambled eggs on the serving line for campers that don't like frittata.

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