
Thursday, September 07, 2006

How Well Do You Like the New Kingsford Charcoal?

Don Mason asked this question in his summer newsletter. I introduced the "new improved" charcoal last April in this blog. At the time, I had not seen the new Kingsford brand charcoal with "fire grooves."

I have since purchased two bags, one regular and the other mesquite. Don and I'd like to hear about your experiences with the new product. Is it better? Or worst than the old stuff. Let Don and I know.

Here are Don's questions:

  1. Does it last as long as the old Kingsford charcoal (without the "fire grooves")?
  2. Is there more ash from the new charcoal?
  3. Does it burn hotter than the old product?

You can post your answers under the comment section for this blog. Or, you can email your response to Don at Either way, we'd like to hear about your experiences.

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