We grilled 157 chicken hindquarters Friday afternoon for our traditional Talent Show cookout. The campers ate all but the last 25 pieces of chicken. To ensure well-done chicken, I pre-bake the poultry in a 325-degree F convection oven for about 40 minutes. This eliminates the under-cooked chicken jitters. In six years of camp, I've never had any complaints of raw chicken using this method.

Staff perform K.P. duties on Friday eventing. This frees the campers to eat and get ready for the Talent Show, which started at 7 p.m. The meal is served on paper plates to give the dishwashers a break. Barbecued chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, seasoned broccoli and hand-dipped ice cream were featured on the cookout menu. A full salad bar was also served.
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