I probably took around two dozen advancement exams during my 29-year active and reserve career. That's an exam every six months until I passed the exam with a high enough score to warrant advancement. All example were multiple choice.
Here's a sample question from the 1976 Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2 Rate Trailing Manual
What does the abbreviation A.P. stand for on a recipe card?
1. As preferred
2. As purchased
3. After peeling
4. After parboiling
Do you know that answer?
EAST CHINA SEA (Sept. 9, 2010) -- Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Lea Bansil takes the Navy-wide E-5 exam aboard the forward deployed amphibious assault ship USS
Essex (LHD 2).
Essex is part of the forward-deployed
Essex amphibious ready group and is on patrol in the western Pacific region.
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Matthew A. Ebarb.
What is the answer?? The suspense is killing me.